Our mission
KENZ was created to build a better understanding between companies, institutions, governments, brands and destinations, on the one hand, and stakeholders, consumers, employees and travellers, on the other.

How we work
We identify young talents from different countries and continents and encourage their development by boosting their academic and professional growth.
This is achieved by facilitating access to first level scholarships and internships in companies and institutions in more than 18 countries in Africa, Europe and Latin America, and simultaneously organising and participating in seminars, training, conferences, webinars and other educational actions.
We act as the speaker that gives a voice to all those who work to nurture raw talent. To the different partners who join forces to build understanding across countries and continents by promoting the production, transfer and dissemination of knowledge.


Through higher education and university training
As agents of change,we create measurable results through education and training.
We encourage and promote access to higher education scholarships in different countries and regions, unlocking the potential of young people as an engine for understanding, intercultural dialogue, integration and development.
We accelerate young talents’ access to internships and first employment in different companies at an international level.
By doing so we foment a better understanding, unearth talent, promote socio-professional integration and aid the growth of the business world.
With our actions, we go beyond the boundaries of education. We shed light on educational cooperation experiences for the enrichment and growth of young people. We contribute to building their future, which is, in the end, the future for all of us.
Through communication
We are embedded in MARCO's raison d’etre, being the most awarded and highly-rated independent global agency of the last decade, specialising in brand building and reputation management.
Communication is part of our DNA.
We are a lever to the positioning of those who work hand in hand with us to empower young talent and the springboard to increase the dissemination of knowledge.

Making the climate emergency a priority
Our mission would be meaningless without the guarantee of a future to walk towards, and this will not be possible if we do not take action against the climate emergency.
Each of our actions is carried out considering the importance of this threat and contributing to the mitigation of its effects, moving step by step towards making meaningful change in the well-being of the planet and future generations.

We embrace diversity.
We connect realities.
We build future.
KENZ Foundation was born out of MARCO's desire to give back to society what it has given us, taking a further step in what the global agency has been doing for more than 20 years through communication: building better understanding. Now, thanks to its foundation, also focusing on university training and higher education.
We understand education as one of the main vehicles to empower youth, bring people together and foster tolerance. This is what will lead society towards a better future where there is no place for racism and confrontation.
Where do
we start
We start by building bridges between Africa and Europe; two continents so close to each other, and with strong historical ties, where MARCO presents itself as the go-to agency.
This is just the beginning – we have a global mission. Our next challenge is to generate links with the Americas, where MARCO also has a large footprint.

Our partners
Kenz Foundation was forged from our network of partnerships.
Our partnerships were born out of cooperation and collaboration between companies, universities, foundations, public administrations and other institutions, together with stakeholders, students, professionals, academics, and volunteers, among others.

A global model
of partnership
We implement the partnership model globally, and that is why we have partners in different countries and regions.
We seek the support of companies that are committed to incorporating talent into their ranks and promoting it by offering professional internships. We work with universities that offer scholarships for those who are eager to learn.
We chart the way forward hand in hand with foundations, organisations, public administration and other institutions that, aligned with our mission, wish to join forces to build a world where understanding prevails.
We welcome partners who want to sponsor our projects and subsidise them in the belief that they will contribute to build better understanding and leave no one behind.

Our values
We promote diversity and equal opportunities regardless of gender, origin or socio-economic status, always rewarding talent.
As social actors aiming for a better understanding, we are guided by a collaborative working philosophy. We are part of society and are concerned about its future evolution. The climate emergency and access to decent and quality education are global challenges that need to be addressed immediately as a matter of priority.
At KENZ we are ready to cooperate and join forces with those willing to face them.
Let's walk together towards a better world, let's build a better understanding!